Thursday, January 19, 2012

Japanese Innovative Products & Packaging Analysis Research based on Recent Survey conducted with Designed Questionnaire

Observational Research:
Compare & Contrast from the Questionnaire Findings 

Final Observations: Japanese ways & approach to products & packaging – they are inter-related. Non-Japanese will see and regard Japanese products and packaging as separate functions.

Chart 3.3.1: The participants’ age group in other nationalities (international) category.

Chart 3.3.2: The participants’ age group in the Japanese category

Analysis and observation:
Under the international category, majority of the participants age group were from 18 to 29 years old, occupying 41.9% of the overall survey participation. The second highest age group of participants was age group between 30 to 39 years old. They stood the 35.5% of the overall participation position.

On the contrary, the Japanese participants were majority from the middle-age group category, ranging from 40 to 49 years old, which stood 41.7% highest on the listing. 33.3% of the overall participants were Japanese from age group 50 years and above. They were the second highest consumers on the survey listing to provide feedback on the Japanese innovation market.

Chart 3.3.3: The participants’ gender in other nationalities (international) category.

Chart 3.3.4: The participants’ gender in the Japanese category

Analysis and observation:
In the international category survey questionnaire, the number of male and female group of participants almost reached an equal level – male participants comprised of 48.4% whereas the female participants stood a 51.6% on the overall chart.

A glimpse at the Japanese questionnaire category showed that the majority of the participants are male – 75% of the overall participants are male in the survey conducted. Only a small proportion of 25% female took part in this survey, occupying a significantly small consumer market in Japanese innovation. It seems, from the chart, Japanese female participants are much more reserved in public survey regardless of many innovative techniques have been invested and implemented in the Japanese workaday commodities – many of these females consumers are home makers.

Chart 3.3.5: The participants’ nationalities.

Chart 3.3.6: Only the Japanese

Analysis and observation: 
There was a good mix of nationalities in the overall survey with Singaporean topped 45.2% on the overall participation in the survey. The second highest nationalities to participate, which stood a 16.1% of the overall chart, were the Taiwanese.Apparently, the second chart for the questionnaire was customized for the Japanese participants only so that a clear overview of what the Japanese think about their own innovation will be predicted in a more precise manner.

Chart 3.3.7: In other nationalities (international) category, the participants’ point of view for Japanese innovative packaging is as follows:

Chart 3.3.8: To the Japanese participants, they look at their own innovation on packaging in a different standpoint of view:

Analysis and observation:From the interpreted chart, 76.7% international customers have the overall mindset that Japanese innovative packaging is there just to interact and impress customers to buy – Japanese innovative packaging was not in relation with any functionality to enhance the usability of products being sold.

However, in the Japanese consumers point of view, their innovative packaging is always closely related to the usability of the product. In other words, Japanese only work with an intention to come out with an idea to enhance better usage experience for the product they are going to launch to sell. To the Japanese, innovative packaging is not a separate issue but they invented it to enhance consumers’ overall usability of the product.

Chart 3.3.9: What other international participants like about Japanese innovative packaging:

Chart 3.3.10: What Japanese participants like about their own country’s innovative packaging:

Analysis and observation:
An indication of 76.7% on the chart showed that majority of the international participants love Japanese innovative packaging for their special form and shape. Only 40% thought the simplicity and functionality of the Japanese innovative packaging appeal to them.

On the contrary, the Japanese consumers thought of their own country’s innovative packaging has the simplicity and functionality that they like about them. Japanese consumers were not in favour of any unique form or shape in innovation or packaging. From both the questionnaire conducted, neither the Japanese nor the international consumers are in favour of Zen or Japanese colour scheme as their top priority.

Chart 3.3.11:  What do the international consumers expect Japan would bring to the world in the field of their innovation?

Chart 3.3.12:  What is the expectation of the Japanese consumers in their own market about their own country’s innovation?

 Analysis and observation:
The gist of the survey is clearly unveiled – 60% of the international consumer participants are craving for more innovative Japanese electronic products and gadgets. House brands of Japan, just to name a few, Sony, Fujitsu, Fuji, Toshiba, National, Mitsubishi, Nikon, Nintendo, are well-loved international brands by the international customers. Japan has gained an astounding, worldwide reputation for its nation’s electronic products.

46.7% of the international consumers love Japanese food and gourmet. Japanese innovative food packaging has won the hearts of many around the world. Continual effort to bring in more innovative food packaging ideas and concepts to the world will bring Japan lots of money-making potentiality in this aspect.

Fashion and clothings are the second highest favourite among the international consumers, occupying 50% of the overall chart. International customers do like the new textile innovations and inventions of the Japanese, as well as their fashion. Fashion and clothings innovation topped the second highest for the urge to have more innovation to be introduced in the near future.

Surprisingly, cosmetics and skincare are not a favourite among the international participant. Neither are the cars nor the car care accessories.

On the contrary, the Japanese love and take pride on their own innovation in electronic goods and gadgets. This is clearly visible on the survey listing with 58.3% response. The second favourite is cosmetics and skincare as well as fashion and clothings. Both stands an equal 50% of the overall response call for more innovation in near future. Food packaging on food and gourmet, are amazingly not a favourite in the Japanese list, in comparison to the international consumers.

Chart 3.3.13:  What do the international consumers like about Japan?

Chart 3.3.14:  What do the Japanese like about Japan, their home country?

Analysis and observation:
An interesting overview of how the world look at Japan, and what Japanese, they themselves like about their own country after conducting the survey – In the Japanese point of view, they are more interested in their product making and culture, rather than in innovation. However, for foreigners, anything Japanese is unique and authentic. International top favourite ranking are the Japanese products, innovations and their culture.

In conclusion, a total of 43 participants have taken the abovementioned questionnaire survey that was quite a fairly sizeable number of people involved. The approach in tackling such technical and complex survey is to read  extensively and research deeper before designing and setting a user-friendly questionnaire format for users to participate. Many occasions occurred that particpants are shunned by the lengthy and complex structure of the questionnaire. It is best to anticipate what the consumers are looking for, have a set of possible answers based on research and some reading, then set the complex questions in an easily-managed way so as to encourage greater potentiality for participants involvement. This is the key success to questionnaire. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice information. Innovation performance is measured frequently at an enterprise level.

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